On Mon, 21 Mar 2005, Jason Slagle wrote:

> Lady was running exchange.  She had the Symantec virus/spam/crap filter
> for it installed..  All email to her was bouncing with a 550 spam site
> deny.
> We jerked around with it for quite some time before we realized that one
> of the dnsbl's that the Symantec product was using was returning positive
> for ALL queries.
> This is the risk you run - this product either had it on by default, or it
> was in a list of options to turn on.  End users don't know what it is, and

actually the risk being run is 'not understanding what you are doing' :(
mark this admin of mail systems up with the others who blithely use ANY
RBL without knowing how/what/where/when it gets made.


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