On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 09:03:17AM -0800, Roy said something to the effect of:
> CNET's extract is wrong.
> The article states
> The measure, SB 260, says: "Upon request by a consumer, a service 
> provider may not transmit material from a content provider site listed 
> on the adult content registry."

Isn't that demanding that an ISP provide, free of 
charge, a managed firewall service?  

I might be expecting too much, but wouldn't it 
stand to reason that link-chasing and downloading
inherently constitute a request *to* receive content?

At the risk of sounding like a proponent for public
indecency <snicker> if Junior or Hubby or Wifey or 
whomever is hoarding porn and "must be 
protected/stopped/brought back into the fold", I 
don't think it's really the responsibility of the 
ISP to care.

Note to Utah (tm)*: the pervasion of perversion is 
nigh!  ;)  Buy a firewall and keep an eye on your 
kids.  Neither the schools nor the ISPs are meant to 
raise them.


*UT is OK with me.  The disgruntled ramblings in here
refer only to those whining to the ISPs to save them
from their own Internet connection.

> Its entirely voluntary on the part of the consumer. 
> Roy Engehausen
> Fergie (Paul Ferguson) wrote:
> >C|Net:
> >
> >"Utah's governor signed a bill on Monday that would
> >require Internet providers to block Web sites deemed
> >pornographic and could also target e-mail providers
> >and search engines."
> >
> >http://news.com.com/Utah+governor+signs+Net-porn+bill/2100-1028_3-5629067.html?tag=nefd.top
> >
> >- ferg
> >
> >--
> >"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
> >Engineering Architecture for the Internet
> > 
> >

k. rachael treu, CISSP                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                 ..quis custodiet ipsos custodes?..
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