On Tue, 22 Mar 2005, Daniel Senie wrote:
> Anyone want to publish a definitive list of IP addresses for Utah? A week
> of null-routing all such traffic by many web sites would, I think, would be
> a measured response to idiot legislators. It could be "give Utah the Finger
> Day" or some such.

The world has been wait for a list of Florida IPs for a while so we can
block them for a few years, no such luck however.

On a more practical note one possible solution to a similar I heard was
to ensure that their blocking service (offered at no extra cost) just gave
people a rfc1918 address could *only* access a page explaining how all the
nasty sites were now blocked.

It can be called the "do nothing account" or similar.

Simon J. Lyall  |  Very Busy  |  Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz/
"To stay awake all night adds a day to your life" - Stilgar | eMT.

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