>  > > My guess would be that PtP is a much bigger bandwidth hog than gaming, 

>  > > especially for the people who have high upstream capacity (10meg+).
>  > 
>  > the seven biggest isps in japan recently cooperated on a really
>  > good paper measuring a lot about broadband use in japan.  it is
>  > in the most recent ccr, v35n1 jan 05.  sorry, siteseer seems not
>  > to have it yet.

>  I haven't seen that issue of SIGCOMM CCR, however I suspect that
>  the slides at this URL are related to the paper since they
>  give thanks to seven organizations on the last slide and the
>  graphs show recent data

>  http://www.iijlab.net/~kjc/papers/srccs-rbb-traffic-2up.pdf

The paper itself is also available at that site, at


Andrew Odlyzko

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