> > Why can't we have VoIP phones with built-in GPS receivers and a
> Because GPS doesn't work indoors.

GPS works anywhere where the satellite signals can be detected.
Obviously, signals get weaker when they have to pass through
solid materials like building walls. But people are already 
working on more sensitive receivers.

But, leaving that aside, if the IP phone has a battery
inside it and if it can record previous GPS locations
and if you move the phone outside to a new location, then
it could remember the last GPS detectable location and
use that when it connects to the net again.

--Michael Dillon

P.S. assuming that phones like this come on the market,
we might see the following exchange on a web forum

Q. Hi. My ACME VoIP Phone is complaining that it
   can't provide E-911 service. I reset it, pulled
   the plug, but nothing helps.

A. Do you live in an apartment building?

Q. Yeah, why? What difference does that make?

A. Trust me. Unplug the phone, take it outside and walk
   to the nearest major intersection. Cross all 4 streets
   at the intersection, walking around until you get back
   to where you first arrived at the intersection. Then 
   go home, plug in your ACME VoIP Phone and try again.

Q. WOW! It worked! I can't believe it. Now I have a new
   problem. I told my friends how I fixed the phone and
   now they all think I'm smoking strange substances.

A. Well, you win some, and you lose some. :-)

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