> -----Original Message-----
> Owen DeLong
> Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 7:08 PM
> To: David Barak; nanog@merit.edu
> Subject: Re: Vonage Hits ISP Resistance

[ SNIP ]

> Email.  Why should
> it apply to VOIP?  Just because it's a voice service?  911 
> service is not
> a standard feature of many voice appliances availble today.  

It has nothing to do with the appliance. 

> Various two-way
> radios, for example.  VOIP is VOIP.  It is _NOT_ the PSTN.  

It's not VoIP either, it's a protocol that is transmitting a voice
call in a non-traditional manner and making them any-to-any

That doesn't mean that it shouldn't have traditional services.
Many State PUC's agree, but they were pre-empted by the FCC Pulver 

> It may be that
> the PSTN loses many of it's customers to VOIP.  It may be 
> that the best
> services available are those that integrate the capabilities 
> of VOIP and
> the PSTN, but, in the end, it still remains that they are 
> different services
> and should be subject to different requirements and regulations.

911 is a hot competitive issue. It'll get worked out.


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