On Mon, 04 Apr 2005 15:45:01 CDT, John Dupuy said:

> MODEL A: ISPs filter at the source; spam is reduced

> MODEL B: ISPs filter incoming mail traffic; spam is reduced.
>     ISP's increase the effectiveness of blacklists and locating dynamic 

> Which model really provides us with the best of both worlds: less spam yet 
> more freedom to innovate? I would say model A does.
> However, I am not convinced of this. Please pick apart my models..

Obviously, the filtering has to be done at least at one end.  And although it
would be nice if I lived in a world where the ISP originating the mail was
filtering it, I don't live there.

So unless you have a *realistic* proposal to make all the spam-haven ISPs
find religion, see the light, and oust their spammers *without* the "do it or
be blocked everyplace" (your plan B), it's not going to happen in our 

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