On Mon, Apr 11, 2005 at 05:30:15PM -0400, Dean Anderson wrote:
> As long as we are getting history out, It was moving towards death as a
> _result_ of Vixie involvment from 1987-1994. I knocked heads with Vixie
> around 1989/91 several times about Hesiod root servers, bugs and such
> issues. Vixie was a such a jerk back then that I just gave up on DNS
> altogther for about 10 years, as did a lot of other people. That's what
> caused it to languish so that by 1994, Vixie could "take it over".
> But it was a mistake on to let it go to him.  DNS in general has
> languished for 10 years, at least.  Look how long it took to get DNSSEC. 
> Compare DNSSEC to SSL, for example. Or HTTP.
> Of course, on the other hand, if he wasn't such an butthead, we wouldn't
> have the veritable bonanza of DNS implementations, today.  So, I suppose
> unreasonable jerks are good overall, perhaps.
> I was surprised to read that no BIND8 developers were allowed to touch 
> BIND9. I knew that Vixie wasn't involved, but I thought there was a more 
> specific reason for that.

In the spirit of self moderation of this list, might I suggest that you 
kindly STFU and/or take this to a list that is more appropriate. This rant 
has gotten off topic and out of hand even for the "zero censorship" crowd.


Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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