> You're missing the big picture.

No I don't think so :-)

> If Cogent cared about connectivity to FT's customers, it 
> would man up and pay for the transit to reach them. However, 
> Cogent cares more about the long-term benefits of settlement 
> free transit than it does about the short term benefits of 
> being able to reach FT's customers today, so they choose not 
> to pay for the transit in the hopes that FT will blink. Not 
> that there is anything wrong with that, but that is the cold 
> hard reality of the decision that they have made. It might 
> even be the right decision. If you don't like it, no one is 
> putting a gun to your head and making you buy Cogent (or FT) transit.

Surely FT's customers pay for access to Cogents network and vice versa?

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