Peter John Hill wrote:

I just don't want my wife to complain to me that she could not check her email because "the Internet was broken"

Serious answer to a non-serious comment:

The group that reads this mailing list can be assumed to be more technically savvy than most people, right?


So, I run my own DNS server and have a guy providing three secondaries. I use mine and one of his (the one that is geographically distant from mine, as well as on a different segment of Internet), instead of my cable company's, because their DNS servers don't seem to see zone updates as quickly as I'd like them to see them.

I run my own mail server, from which my family's mailboxes are served. This is mainly due to my irrational preference to have 100% control over my email. ;)

No reason why others couldn't do something similar, unless Comcast is blocking 53/udp (mainly) and 53/tcp. (NB: My cable company is not Comcast, but it is one of the other large providers. NB also that while I get my IP address via DHCP, I choose not to use the DNS servers offered to me when I renew my DHCP lease.)

-- - Apple Valley, CA - - 888.480.4NET (4638)
Steven J. Sobol, Geek In Charge / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0xE3AE35ED

"The wisdom of a fool won't set you free"
    --New Order, "Bizarre Love Triangle"

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