> Do you seriously view it that way? See the financial analysis 
> available on the web about Cogent and tell me the same thing again.

Same could be said for many companies in our industry at the 
moment, I call them the zombies.

> I want my packets to make it to the destination. For some 
> Euros more I get real transit from real networks. See, all 
> the world is fine again. He who wants to save even more money 
> gets what he pays for.

I remember people saying that about Level3 and many others.

> I bet your viewpoint would maybe change if you had nearly 
> exclusively DSL traffic and hardly B2B- type traffic. I could 
> be wrong, of course.

If I was solely in that business I would not be focused on building
big international networks, its pointless and unless you take significant 
market share from the PTTs, notably in Europe (which btw is highly unlikely 
given that the various legislators and regulators fail on a near constant 
basis to level the playing field for all operators) - the chances of making 
a return are incredibly slim.

Better to setup smaller national networks, exchange most of the local
at the local peering point and pay $transit_network for the other 30 odd
do a decent deal with $transit_network and you'll be quids in and
have a much more managable cashflow cycle without the step upgrades to some 
chunky network that the majority of your customers don't care about.


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