>I'm seeing delays of arounf 5 hours for mail being sent through Postini 
>at the moment. One of our suppliers complained they hadn't got our 
>normal call-offs and then it arrived, about 5 hours after had been sent.

FYI, Postini only talks to their customers, not to senders whose mail
they are delaying, losing, mangling, misfiling, etc.  You might see if
you can do a three-way call with your supplier if he's a customer.

It is also my impression that as far as Postini is concerned, a
problem is defined as something that makes customers stop paying their
bills or cancel their service.  Without those symptoms, it's not a
problem.  I'm sure I'm not the only person who's added explicit routes
to his MTA to bypass Postini and mail to the customer's real MTA.

John Levine, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for 
Information Superhighwayman wanna-be, http://www.johnlevine.com, Mayor
"I shook hands with Senators Dole and Inouye," said Tom, disarmingly.

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