On Mon, 25 Apr 2005 22:19:51 PDT, "william(at)elan.net" said:

> Perhaps a solution is to specifically enable ipv6 dns resolution as 
> preferable to ipv4 or the other way around. This could perhaps be
> switch in resolv.conf or nsswitch.conf. Something like:

> /etc/resolv.conf
> search example.com
> protocol ipv6 ipv4

At least on my system, there's an 'options inet6' line that makes it look
for AAAA records, and mapping ipv4 into ipv6 addresses if only an A record
is found.

Also note that it doesn't fix the problem that's being seen - I might
be able to contact the nameservers listed in resolv.conf via both IPv4
and IPv6 - the fun starts when my nameserver gets an NS entry that contains
an AAAA record, and the nameserver has enough IPv6 connectivity to think
it's worth a try, but you can't get there from here...

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