Randy Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> lots of folk sent email to me and not the list. most report worldnic
> responding with tcp 53 and not udp. would love to hear confirmation
> on list. can think of a number of causes, one possible, but just a
> stab in the dark, would be an intentional hack as a defense to a
> spoofed-ip attack.

That's quite an interesting theory, and you may be right. However,
when given the choice between incompetence and malice, I know which
one my money is on.

> what are some names known to be hosted on worldnic?

voipbuster.com's one that they've been whining about on uk.telecom.
Right now, UDP DNS requests to ns25/ns26.worldnic.com for that domain
are giving truncated responses and TCP calls aren't even being
answered, so it's even more buggered than the last time I poked at it.

"I Adjure Thee, O Foul Demon of The Sinus, by this Leatherman Tool and
 this Fully Earthed 30 Amp Power Strip! Remain Thou within the Faraday
 Cage and Answer the Questions put to Thee, and I shall Discharge Thee
 that Thou mayest return from Whence Thou Camest."  --  Peter da Silva

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