I understand that, but opinions being what they are, everyone
is certainly entitled to have one of their own.

Placing value on those opinions is an exercise left to the

And not everyone's opinions are constructed to to simply
allow financial benefit -- somethimes it is just a simple


- ferg

-- Mark Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > > Schneier isn't a journalist or reporter;  He's a security vendor.
 > And you're a network engineer. What's your point?
Merely that Owen's expectation of "journalistic ethic, fact checking, or
unbiased reporting" was misplaced because his remarks are addressing
someone who has a vested interest in the outcome of the debate, not 
an ethical, unbiased disinterested observer.

  - mark

"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
 Engineering Architecture for the Internet
 ferg's tech blog: http://fergdawg.blogspot.com/

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