> I was just wondering why they'd chose to do it the "national
> allocation" way when good arguments are presented that it'd only
> disrupt things.

because that is what they know from the telco numbering plan.  and
it lets them play the "this should be run by governments plan, the
folk from whom they are used to drawing their power.  just imagine
what it must feel like to have run a global monopoly game with
brandy, cigars, a building in geneve` and many fine lunches and
dinners, and to have a disruptive technology blind-side you from
both the engineering and political/social vectors at the same time.
they're as desperate as the riaa and movie owners; if we can't
figure out the market, send in the lawyers and politicians as a
holding action until we can.

> I thought they may have a good reason, but evidently it's just
> not true.

to the itu, and circuitzilla in general, if it worked for voice,
then it must work for the internet, no real understanding required.


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