Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:

> In the thread about ns*, many people were complaining 
> about DNS responses/queries on TCP port 53.
> At least one DoS mitigation box uses TCP53 to "protect" name  servers. 
> Personally I thought this was a pretty slick trick, but it  appears to
> have caused a lot of problems.  From the thread (certainly  not a
> scientific sampling), many people seem to be filtering port 53  TCP to
> their name servers.

I know that many people to block 53/TCP to their nameservers or from
their resolvers. Firewall configs are widely based on rumours ("I've
heard DNS runs on UDP/53"), not based on protocol definitions. The
problem is, that blocking TCP/53 outgoing from your resolver will work
in 99% (wild guess) of all cases and therefore if it does not work for
resolving it obiviously is the fault of

Many "security experts" believe that 53/TCP is only used for zone


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