On 4/30/05, Steven Champeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ANantes-106-1-5-107.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr
> You'll see 'abo' for 'cable', perhaps? as well as 'cable'. But for most

abo = short for "abonnement", that is, "subscription" / "subscriber"
Just means its a pool of IPs assigned to users, I guess.

> Dunno. Don't have many examples of those, as I block most traffic from
> there, and what I didn't block didn't often have rDNS anyway. The one
> net.cn example I have, nova, named all of their rDNS with
> user.nova.net.cn - yep, that's it - what every host is named.

And there's a vietnamese ISP that was clever enough to give the same
rDNS - "localhost" - to all their IP space.  Don't know which one of
the three ISPs there does this, but as APNIC 20 is in Hanoi, I'll most
likely find that out for myself.

> FPT Viet Nam uses 'adsl-pool-xxx', 'adsl-fix-xxx', and 'dialup-xxx' (yes,
> the x's are part of the actual name, not a placeholder for the numbers).

So its not FPT Vietnam, but one of the two other ISPs there

> 'bredband'. The Japanese use 'flets' and 'ftth', the Dutch and others

ftth = fiber to the home.  flets is also some kind of fiber.

Suresh Ramasubramanian ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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