On Sun, 1 May 2005, Steven J. Sobol wrote:

> On Sun, 1 May 2005, Dean Anderson wrote:
> > On Sun, 1 May 2005, Edward B. Dreger wrote:
> > 
> > > e.g., I specifically cited laws and cases that appear to apply to
> > > blacklists... now you claim I stated DNSBLs are exempt?  Someone needs
> > > to put down the crackpipe.
> > 
> > You agreed with me on something?  I must have missed that at the time. I'm 
> > *sure* I would have made a note of that.
> I would say there are laws that apply to blacklists too; just not the same 
> laws that you cite. But IANAL, and neither are you.

Well, I have read the statutes, the legislative documents, and the cases
that have been brought, and I made predictions in 1997-1999. Those cases
brought in 2000-to date followed my analysis made in 1997-1999. Back then,
you said you wouldn't believe anything until a court said so. Well, since
then, several courts have said so.  So I'll claim vindication by court.


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