On Monday, May 09, 2005 5:49 PM, Richard wrote:
> > 
> > On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 01:35:06PM -1000, Richard wrote:
> > 
> > > We recently experienced several DOS attacks which drove 
> > > our backbone routers CPU to 100%. The routers are not 
> > > under attack, but the router just couldn't handle the 
> > > traffic. There is a plan to upgrade these routers.
> > 
> > What kind of routers? We had problems like this with Cisco 
> > 7206VXRs with NPE-300s at my last job because they just 
> > couldn't handle the high volume of packets-per-second from 
> > certain types of attack.
> Oh... I guess that it would a known issue then... we have the 
> exactly same type of routers. Our routers normally run at 35% 
> CPU. What sucks is that the traffic volume doesn't have to be 
> very high to bring down the router.

Yes, the 7206vxr with whatever processor really checks out when under
any kind of real flood through it.  It's big brother, the 7304-NSE100
does as well.  But the 7304-NPE100 with the PXF can forward that (d)DoS
very well.  Even with fairly extensive ingress filters.  The kick in the
head is that the processors are the same price.  I don't know why they
even sell the NPE100...

Then you can take whatever measures you like to characterize and
mitigate. A combination of upstream null routing (poisoning
communities), ingress filters, core null routing, and your favorite ddos
mitigation equipment filtering has been very effective for us.  

Chris Ranch
Director of Network Architecture
Affinity Internet, Inc.

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