On this I am wondering what the user market would chose with an offer from a 
DSL provider of a guaranteed bandwidth purchase with a
contention based cap on max speed.  For example DSL sold with a guaranteed 
bandwidth availability of 256K (or 512K, 768K etc based
on 256K increments) with a "up to" maximum of 7-10Mbps.  Would the typical user 
understand the difference between this the standard
Comcast marketing of "up to" speeds without any service guarantee?


>It won't be long before the telco's respond by offering DSL at the same 
>speed/price. I've heard (but don't *know*) that SBC is
selling 6 down and 1 up in >Houston and Dallas for $35.
>We're doing a fair business selling accelerated dial up for $15. Its 
>surprising how many folks don't want broadband. You don't need
4mb down to read 
>your email. And once you get outside of the city limits there's a good sized 
>market that can't get any type of broadband,
especially cable.
>We may decline some, but I don't think that ISP's are going away anytime soon.
>Bob Martin

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