On Fri, 13 May 2005 11:23:14 BST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

> Their impact can't be measured because it spread out into niche
> markets. Like blogs and wikis and all those photo sites.
> And my company's network with 1,000 customers and PoPs in
> 20 countries all doing 100% ASP traffic. ASPs businesses are
> thriving. However, the crystal ball gazers who hyped them
> back in the late 90's just got it all wrong because they
> thought ASPs would displace MS-Office desktops and SAP 
> installations.

Exactly what *I* predicted - there's going to be *plenty* of room for
small flexible operators in niche markets, at both ends of the pipe.

In fact, there's almost certainly money to be made by leveraging the fact that
Comcast wants to do 4M/384K/$25 - the number of companies making money from
finding innovative ways to sell you electricity is *far* outweighed by the
number of companies finding new ways to make money based on the fact that
somebody *else* is selling you electricity.

The only people who need to worry are the ones whos business model is "We made
money selling 'just pipes' in that market 5 years ago, and we're doing it now,
so it will still be OK 5-10 years from now". 98% of *those* companies are in
for a rude awakening. ;)

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