<quote who="william(at)elan.net">

> Since changing SMTP2821 and waiting until everyone complies and accepts
> email addresses with no "." is not an option, the solutions proposed are
> to either have address like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" or "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> The only reason it has not been discussed more actively is that no TLD
> operator has yet come forward and said that they are going to use
> TLD host for emails, but as soon as one does this would have to be
> accommodated and quickly (otherwise it will remain as an open issue for
> future update to SMTP - probably RFC4821 if this numbering continues :)

.ws has an MX record.
host -t mx ws. ==> mail.worldsite.ws

Most MUA's (unix ones tended to work, not surprisingly) complain or break
on "send" but technically it works. :)

David Ulevitch

   David A. Ulevitch - Founder, EveryDNS.Net
   http://david.ulevitch.com -- http://everydns.net

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