Hi all,

> --- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---
> Von: snort bsd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> An: nanog <nanog@merit.edu>
> Betreff: dns for private domain
> Datum: Sat, 21 May 2005 13:54:22 +1000 (EST)
> Hi All:
> Does a DNS have specific reqirements? I imagine it
> would not need the root cache file since it would go
> nowhere except own domain.

You absolutely need a root.zone and a root.zone file

To see what a root.zone file looks like download one.


show several ways how to get one.

The IASON project may be helpful:


> I set up a DNS (named it as "lab.com") server in the
> lab and it seems to be working fine; I can resolve
> hostnames on my linux box and window box, but on Sun
> Solaris machine I got "non-exist domain" error.
> Anything specific for the Solaris' resolver or I need
> to do some extra on my DNS configuration?

You must enter your nameserver in the root.zone file.

Dont let it be "hint" but make ist "master"

The root.zone is a normal zone like any other. Dont get
afraid of that single "."

Whatever is not found will be looked up in the root.zone.
There must be a delegation to your existing zone. That is
all you need. Seeing a root.zone your solaris will run.

The only real problem comes up when you have workstations
that can see the outside. Which are the real root-servers?
> Dave


Peter and Karin Dambier

Peter und Karin Dambier 
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