
   You can let your contact know that Verizon Wireless does have some
employees on the list and it's been taken care of. I've forwarded
Christ w/Globalstar's issues on to appropriate parties within VZW.

   As a reiteration, VZW's network infrastructure is completely
seperate from Verizon's. (with the exception of where they are a LEC)


On 5/23/05, Steven J. Sobol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To get an answer on the VZW mail filtering issue, we'd have to talk to a
> mail admin at Verizon Wireless, as described by my acquaintance at Verizon
> Online.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 09:45:00 -0500
> To: Steve Sobol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Fwd: Mail Blacklists]
> Steve,
>     Verizon Wireless is a completely different animal with no, repeat
> no, relation to VOL at any business or technical level other than being
> owned by the same mother ship.  That would definitely include SMTP or
> any other mail related protocols transiting my platforms.  I have no
> idea what kind of filters or block lists they use.  I will make some
> inquiries but don't hold your breath, they really are a seperate entity
> from the trenches perspective.  Please do not put my info on NANOG.  Thanks.

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