> Zombies do both, but my comment wasn't about zombies, it was about 
> users.  If you are a user with a vanity domain trying to send e-mail 
> "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]", you cannot through VZ's system.  Despite 
> the fact we have spent years telling people they have to use their 
> local ISP's mail server to send mail out.
> Does VZ support SMTP AUTH these days?  (My info is over a year old.)

Verizon has many odd choices in their history, indeed. Still, how many
DSL users actually *need* to use an account other than that given to
them by their ISP?

I find this extreme measure quite a good step, and in the right direction.

There is no real reason why you should be able to email out with
[EMAIL PROTECTED] using Verizon's own servers.

If you are an advanced enough user to have your own vanity domain then
you are advanced enough to have your own SMTP server. If port 25 is
blocked, you can probably sort this out with your ISP (if said ISP is
responsive to your needs) and/or move an ISP.

I don't see how this doesn't sit well with telling people to use their
ISP's server? Our problem *is* the clueless majority.

^5 to Verizon.


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