On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 06:40:10PM -0400, Dave Stewart wrote:
> At 06:12 PM 6/7/2005, you wrote:
> >If we started posting about every fiber cut of every carrier anywhere in
> >North America every time it happened there wouldn't be any room left on
> >this list for talking about spam, senderid, DNS RFCs, E911 for VoIP
> >carriers, err... wait which side am I arguing again? :)
> I don't operate even a mid-size network, but when there's an outage that 
> effects more than a handful of locations, it's useful to know about it...
> Not that there's anything I can do about it... but when customers are 
> calling and asking why they can't reach their application servers, it's 
> nice to be able to tell them there's a problem at $location and that no, I 
> don't know when it'll be fixed, but they can be sure it's being worked on.
> But I think NANOG is certainly an appropriate forum for medium/large-scale 
> outages - unless someone's created an outage list someplace.

>From down here, like Dave, at the relative bottom of the food chain, I
must agree with him and Steve, though I do understand Richard's
concerns there, and they're valid ones.

The Internet needs a PA system.

Problem is, the people who are equipped to talk, and, by and large,
many of the people who want to listen, are all *here*.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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      If you can read this... thank a system administrator.  Or two.  --me

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