I'm glad you brought that up. :-)

As a follow-up to the two posts that I made earlier about
Congressional hearings and the OMB mandate, let me applaud
Congressman Tom Davis (did I really just say that?!?) for
making a salient point during the hearings yesteday:

  "Asian countries have been aggressive in adopting
   IPv6 technology, because Asia controls only about
   9 percent of the allocated IPv4 addresses and yet
   has more than half of the world's population,"
   Congressman Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va.), chairman
   of the Committee on Government Reform, said at the

   Davis noted that Asian governments have invested
   hundreds of millions of dollars in IPv6 technology,
   which vastly opens up the number of Internet addresses
   over the current IPv4 technology. Among the additional
   advantages of IPv6 are improved security measures and
   additional links for wireless devices.

ref: http://www.techweb.com/wire/networking/164904243

In addition to Davis' point, I think that it bears to
remember that "newer" doesn't mean "better". The Internet
is about end-to-end connectivity, not if one version of
a particluar set of protocols is "newer" than another. It's
all about the connectivity, man. Bear in mind--and as
Congressman Tom Davis mentions in the article above--the
primary reason that Asia (and to a lesser extent Europe)
is primarily interested in IPv6 is that it has a larger
pool of available IP host addresses. Virtually all of
the "newer" functionality that IPv6 offers has been
retro-fitted into IPv4.

No, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

- ferg

-- Mohacsi Janos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> GOSIP II anybody? Will it be different this time than it was with OSI? 
> Everyone had to scramble in the late 1980s to get OSI stuff done, then the 
> gov't never used it. 

Certainly will be different. Lots of network in Asia and Europe  already 
started to use IPv6 in production.....

"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
 Engineering Architecture for the Internet
 ferg's tech blog: http://fergdawg.blogspot.com/

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