On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 06:16:37PM -0700, Fred Baker wrote:
> On Jun 30, 2005, at 5:37 PM, Todd Underwood wrote:
> >where is the service that is available only on IPv6? i can't seem to 
> >find it.
> You might ask yourself whether the Kame Turtle is dancing at 
> http://www.kame.net/. This is a service that is *different* (returns a 
> different web page) depending on whether you access it using IPv6 or 
> IPv4. 

heh.  i guess i'll have to live without the dancing turtle, and so
will all the other Internet users.  i wonder what other useful content
is not available on the real Internet and only available via ipv6.  i
keep asking this question and keep getting non-answers like this.

the rest of fred's comment stands with useful information but i'm
still looking for the tipping point where people migrate, en-masse,
away from the Internet to this new, incompatible network.  


todd underwood
director of operations & security
renesys - interdomain intelligence
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.renesys.com

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