On Jul 1, 2005, at 12:53 PM, Fergie (Paul Ferguson) wrote:

Yeah, I saw that...

With all respect to Dave, and not to sound too skeptical,
but we're pretty far along in our current architecture to
"fundamentally" change, don't you think (emphasis on

- ferg

Many people probably share similar concern.

My personal view (I've left MIT 16 years, so no relation to Clark):
- I believe we all wish the Internet architecture, as we have now, has
  some problems here or there.
- But how to make it better? Quoting Dave, looking one incremental step
  each time is unlikely the best way to proceed.
- To see see more clearly where we should head to, one can try
  a 2-step approach:
  + if one gets all one's wishes: how would we want the architecture
to look like, given what we know today (that we didn't 30 years ago)? + if/once one gets that question answered, we can then tackle the next
    question of how to get there from here.

my 2 cents,


I guess I'm not the only one who thinks that we could benefit from some
fundamental changes to Internet architecture.

http://www.wired.com/news/infostructure/0,1377,68004,00.html? tw=wn_6techhead

Dave Clark is proposing that the NSF should fund a new demonstration
network that implements a fundamentally new architecture at many levels.

"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
 Engineering Architecture for the Internet
 ferg's tech blog: http://fergdawg.blogspot.com/

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