This leads us to the old fact that several ISPs and hosting providers protect their servers with every network perimeter security resource (firewalls, IPSs, virus-and-spam-appliances etc) but forget that "availability" as a security principle requires adequate physical and utility safeguards

Yes, but Advance Internet isn't an ISP, it's a division of Newhouse Newspapers and exists primarily to service the Newhouse new media outlets., for example, is co-owned with the Cleveland _Plain Dealer_.

You'd think the company would be more careful about protecting a major extension to its core business.

-- - Steve Sobol / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0xE3AE35ED
Coming to you from Southern California's High Desert, where the
temperatures are as high as the gas prices! / 888.480.4NET (4638)

"Life's like an hourglass glued to the table"   --Anna Nalick, "Breathe"

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