We've certainly experienced WorldCom's billing ineptness. For years we tried
to clear up billing errors without getting anywhere.

After WCOM's bankruptcy, things seem different. We've actually been able to
get the old outstanding errors cleared up - rather easily, I might add.

So, far, the 'new' MCI seems to be a big improvement over the old WorldCom.

FYI - MCI is changing the format of their invoices, so there probably will
be errors over the next couple of months until they get all the bugs worked


On 7/22/05 11:48 PM, "Richard A Steenbergen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 12:34:43PM -0500, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
>> Thus spake "Randy Bush" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> We're being hit up by MCI's billing fraud again.
>>> mci's billing problems are gross ineptitude, not fraud.  and just
>>> about every major (and many minor) telco has the same mess.
>> "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by
>> stupidity."
> But also be wary of attributing solely to stupidity a consistent pattern
> of billing "mistakes" which can be explained by pointing at stupid people
> but which net a lot of money from the folks who don't notice the errors.
> :)
> Seems to happen a LOT in this industry, across many vendors, but some
> more often than others.


Joe McGuckin

ViaNet Communications
994 San Antonio Road
Palo Alto, CA  94303

Phone: 650-213-1302
Cell:  650-207-0372
Fax:   650-969-2124

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