On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 13:11:57 CDT, Russell Smoak said:
> All,
> These recipients received an email from Austin Mckinley as Cisco Systems.
> This messasge was sent in complete error and includes intellectual
> property of ISS and Cisco Systems.  Please delete and do not distrbute
> the information any further.

Unfortunately, there has been a temporal discontinuity between the departure
of the quadrupeds and the closing of the barn doors.

There's only two ways to *effectively* deal with this one:

a) Commence massive neural wipes of anybody who *might* have seen it.

b) Obtain *and* *enforce* a permanent injunction banning anybody who's already
seen it from meeting anybody who hasn't seen it in any establishment that
serves Guiness.

deCSS, anybody? ;)

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