On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 23:16:39 PDT, Dan Hollis said:

> I guess at this point ISS realizes their reputation is so deep in the 
> shitter that nothing they do could make it worse.

Give it a week. :)

(It's obvious that the people calling the shots in this circus have either
never heard of "Skylarov", "deCSS", or "@Stake/Dan Geer", or have decided to
out-do those.  In either case, I'm willing to bet a large pizza with everything
on it that Monday morning will bring a whole new set of PR miscues into play.. 

ObNANOG: the PDF now up on infowarrior also includes:

"Defendant Michael Lynn shall also:

13. Identify any websites (if any) 1) where he posted directly or indirectly
the ISS presentation, his slides from the Black Hat 2005 USA July 27, 2005
presentation or decompiled Cisco code; or 2) where he is aware such information
is posted. If such postings were made directly or indirectly by him, he shall 
such postings taken down by 5:00 p.m., July 28, 2005 PDT."

I'm sure Monday will see subpoenas for Apache logs..... :)

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