On Wed, 3 Aug 2005, Bill Woodcock wrote:

>     > note image size of 11/12/16 mb... note that many (most?) 2500's don't 
> have
>     > 16M flash.
> If you feel like keeping 2500s in service, rather than replacing them with
> something that holds NM-32As, the flash problem is easily resolved for less
> than US$50:
> http://www.memorydealers.com/8mbcisthirpa.html

to be fair... 2500s are quite useful for things other than what their original 
purpose intended, but that usefulness diminishes with memory upgrades that are 
comparable in price to the value of the router

having said that, as they are often not used as public routers, a suitably
placed acl/fw can keep them out of harms way and still run the old code


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