On Wed, Aug 03, 2005 at 10:26:21AM -0400, Jared Mauch wrote:
>       I've talked to "People" at cisco before about email handling
> stuff, it takes them a lot of effort to make lists such as 
> 'cust-security-announce' deliver quickly.  I've had some experience
> tweaking large lists as well, it takes a significant amount
> of effort to deliver to 2k users quickly.  Cisco has a lot more than
> that registered, and I suspect the delivery is a bit more complicated
> with all the dns/resolver load going after all the possible customer
> domains they have.
>       To give you a rough idea (cisco-nsp for example is a list I host
> and is delivered fairly quickly by most peoples standards..)
> smtp to cisco-nsp for 2655 recips, completed in 341.639 seconds
>       Now imagine if instead of 2655 users it was 1-1.5million,
> that puts it at 53 hours in my rough guestimate.  (assuming i know
> what i'm talking about, and the higher number of 1.5m).

Perhaps Cisco should hire some spammers to consult for them. Those folks 
certainly don't seem to have a ~7-8 mail/sec limitation. :)

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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