On Sat, 6 Aug 2005, Tony Li wrote:

> > Practically, what this means is that the government will be asking 
> > broadband providers
> > - as well as companies that manufacture devices used for broadband
> > communications – to build insecure backdoors into their networks,
> > imperiling the privacy and security of citizens on the Internet.
> I'm sorry, but this is simply an unsupportable statement.  What is
> required of routers is that the provider be able to configure the device
> to make copies of certain packets to a monitoring port.  Assuming that
> the monitoring port is duly managed, how does this qualify as "insecure"?

hopefully sticking some header on that packet to determine input
interface/lsp as well. hopefully also not dumping to a physical interface,
but to a 'vpn' interface so truckrolls to kalamazoo don't have to happen
each time 'elterrorista' moves from internet cafe' to internet cafe'
please :)

no real 'security' implications in the copy though, sure. (assuming
appropriate controls on config changes exist, and controls on the exit
point/storage of the copied data.

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