I believe it is called facism.
A big bald Italian mentioned something about trains running on time.

Randy Bush wrote:

From: Randy Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2005 11:22:23 -1000
To: "Christopher L. Morrow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: fcc ruling on dsl providers' access to infrastructure

Yes there is a major concern that the government has
just ellminated every isp that is currently permitted
to use another carriers dsl lines to provide
will the ilec's start offering competitive services (not bw,
but non-dynamic ips or small blocks to end-users?)
if their competition has been eliminated by fcc ruling, what
does 'competitive' pricing mean?
that which is set by the gov't rulings? :)

and, for this morning's pop quiz, what is the classic term for an
economy of private ownership and government control?


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