On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, David Lesher wrote:
> If you can live w/o true watts, I'd bet someone has a Hall effect
> sensor package that could tell you just amps. Such would be
> non-contact and would thus skirt the US issue, I'd bet.

I'd love to hear about an actual purchaseable lower cost per circuit
version of this as well.

For a separate project I looked around for this, it's generally called
branch circuit monitoring, and the most widely used standard is called
Modbus (which uses RS 485 serial) that also has a version called Modbus
TCP (which uses ethernet).  The Modbus TCP stuff looks pretty nice with
it's data in XML format (easy to parse), and there are boxes that will
convert regular Modbus to Modbus TCP.  The two main sources of this are
Veris and Square D.



Square D:


At $2588 per 42 position breaker panel it works out to $61 a circuit. I'd
like to find this for cheaper as well so that we can just put it
everywhere on every panel and not worry about it.

Here is an example of the Modbus TCP stuff:



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