On 31-Aug-2005, at 14:52, Barry Shein wrote:

Sorry for the interruption but I wish just once I could follow a
topical list where 50% or more of the traffic wasn't people posting or
arguing about how this or that post was off-topic!

As Randy alluded earlier, the right list to use for this kind of meta- nanog discussion right now is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  echo "subscribe nanog-futures" | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This is absolutely the right place to make your opinions heard about mailing list policy, about blog entries or news articles being pasted onto the list, about exactly what is and what should be off-topic on the main list, and about the opportunities for venting frustration if someone says you're off-topic when you swear you're not. And all kinds of other stuff that ideally would never show up on the main list.

I imagine it will make the lives of the over-worked, volunteer mailing list administrator team much easier if these meta-threads could head to nanog-futures right away.

It would also make this particular SC member, speaking personally, very happy if the discussions could move there rather than simply ceasing. This is all important stuff to hear.


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