On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 08:48:04 +0300, Petri Helenius said:
> >It's clearly possible to find telco engineers with 5/10/15 years experience 
> >in
> >running PSTN (might even find somebody with 40-50 years? :).  It's possible 
> >to
> >find network engineers with lots of BGP experience. Where do you find a 
> >senior
> >engineer with 5+ years experience in enterprise-scale VoIP deployment?

> Deployable enterprise VoIP products existed in 1998. So it would be 
> somebody who was there doing it back then? Goes 5+ with a margin.

Yes, but I hear that both of the guys who actually *DEPLOYED* anything
enterprise-wide in 1998 are happily employed and not available.

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