wheres the ops in this? 

dont get me wrong, i'm sympathetic with new orleans and also definitely not a 
bush supporter but this is verging on incitement and i dont see the point of 
post to here

On Tue, 6 Sep 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> This story was sent to you by: Fergie (Paul Ferguson)
> --------------------
> While Bush fiddles, New Orleans dies 
> --------------------
> Jimmy Breslin
> September 4, 2005
> This is a review of the performance of George W. Bush in tight times in this 
> nation. It might explain the single solitary most catastrophic collapse of 
> American government in all of our times. Mark ye well. This was the week when 
> we turned a major American city into Haiti, and racism put its hand out and 
> started to choke a nation, and it may not let go.
> With the water coming from the sky and the bottom of the sea, driving with 
> such ferocity that a major American city, New Orleans, followed its face into 
> the water, George W. Bush was at North Island in Coronado, Calif., speaking 
> to a blindingly white audience of 9,000 sailors in uniform.
> At the hour, blacks were drowning in New Orleans. Blacks pushed through water 
> that was up to their chests and was thick with the rawest sewage of a major 
> city. Blacks were on rooftops begging to live. Wherever cameras swept, the 
> only thing that was white was a towel being waved by a black woman begging 
> for help, while the tiny black legs of a baby dangled from her shoulder.
> Bush was in white Coronado to speak to a military audience on the anniversary 
> of V-J Day.
> Get those sailors in their whites clapping.
> He barely seemed to understand there was a hurricane for the first three 
> days. He was in Coronado, outside San Diego, and in his speech, he managed to 
> mention New Orleans, by saying that people should not return to their homes 
> until rescue crews could do their work.
> Nobody had to be told not to return to their homes because they don't have 
> homes to return to, and no bus fare to go anywhere.
> He then told Americans to send donations to the Red Cross and the Salvation 
> Army. How marvelous! His administration sends billions and billions of tax 
> money to his personal war in Iraq to shoot up Fallujah for the third or 
> fourth time since he started the war with his lies, and now he wants 
> everybody to go out on the street and give forty dollars to hurricane charity.
> Bush's style is to be nowhere if things that carry a bit of fear happen. 
> During Vietnam, he kept all dental appointments. For the World Trade Center 
> attack, he first froze in a classroom in Florida. Then he flew off in his 
> plane for long hours. Three days later, he got to New York where a flunky 
> placed a retired firefighter, Bob Beckwith from Long Island, alongside him 
> atop a truck. Then Bush called out a football dressing room speech over a 
> bullhorn.
> Last week, he spoke in Coronado with the carrier Ronald Reagan parked in the 
> background. This was his sixth visit to San Diego as president.
> In May 2003 Bush landed on the carrier Abraham Lincoln in the waters off San 
> Diego. He wore a green flight suit, with a helmet under his arm. Why 
> shouldn't he look like this? He was an American warrior. He changed into a 
> business suit and spoke in front of a banner proclaiming, "Mission 
> Accomplished."
> There have been nearly 1,800 bodies in boxes returned from Iraq since then.
> Friday, showing up on the fifth day of a national tragedy, Bush made a little 
> humorous aside about the times he was in New Orleans celebrating too much. 
> Beautiful! If he tried to walk fifty yards he could have tripped over 
> somebody's dead black grandmother under a blanket.
> How do you like it? How do you like having a president who at a time like 
> this reminisces about getting drunk in New Orleans? White boy with Daddy's 
> money roaring at Mardi Gras in a town black for the rest of the year.
> If whites were in trouble in New Orleans, trust that his government would 
> have been there early and the aid massive.
> This racism, which is at the bottom of everything in America, makes it only 
> natural for Bush and his people to talk about turning to Rudolph Giuliani to 
> save New Orleans as he supposedly saved New York after the World Trade Center 
> attack.
> In New York, Giuliani did nothing but go on television. That's all he did and 
> all he ever can do. Beautiful! There are television cameras in New Orleans. 
> And just like Bush, Giuliani doesn't want many blacks near him. If more than 
> two blacks entered City Hall, he called for snipers. Giuliani doesn't even 
> have a show black like Condoleezza Rice, who bought shoes in Ferragamo in 
> Manhattan this week.
> Bush got found out this week and he needs his own rescue. Assure Giuliani 
> that he could run for president if he does the job. As New York found, he can 
> do nothing good about anything. That doesn't matter. Without somebody in 
> front, Bush stands there, uncovered, without an American flag draped around 
> him, as the most incompetent president we've ever had. 
> Copyright (c) 2005, Newsday, Inc. 
> --------------------
> This article originally appeared at:
> http://www.newsday.com/mynews/ny-d4411450sep04,0,6926861.column 
> Visit Newsday online at http://www.newsday.com

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