On Wed, 07 Sep 2005 17:38:17 EDT, Joseph S D Yao said:

> I do hate the lack of respect for human rights shown by the mainland
> Chinese government, and the slave labor prisons otherwise known as
> "cheap labor".  And the lack of self-respect that allows others to turn
> a blind eye to this for their own profit.

And when the corporate executives have a legal and moral obligation to
generate income for the stockholders (barring a stockholder's resolution
or other similar instrument dictating otherwise), what is one to do when
"vast profits" and "vast evil" lie in the same direction?

Even Google, with it's "Don't Be Evil" policy, finds it difficult sometimes,
because there *are* no clear answers.  Yes, it's a little evil to provide
a censored Google to the Chinese mainland.  On the other hand, would it be
more evil, or less evil, to *totally* withold all Google?

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