On Sep 8, 2005, at 6:05 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

CRISP is merely smoke and mirrors at present.

Here's a repost of a message I sent recently to the ARIN ppml on this subject:


Here's an update of what is going on in this space.

From the standardization point of view:

- the AREG draft went through a number of revisions and finally
passed working group last call at revision -12.  It is in the hands
of the IESG now.

- two transfer protocols have been in the works to replace BEEP.
These are LWZ (UDP) and XPC (TCP).  Both should be much, much easier
to implement than BEEP.

Of course, drafts and RFCs are not much use by themselves, so from
the implementation point of view:

- At RIPE 48 last year, I demoed IRISServ and Pimmit (a client)
running AREG -06.  I've been waiting for the AREG spec to settle down
before updating them to the latest.  I have been intending to demo
this software at a NANOG meeting, but the timing never seems to work

- At this past IETF, I had discussions with the RIPE NCC engineers
regarding re-use of either IRISServ or Flowerbed (both are servers,
they just have different architectures) for their systems.  Their
long-term strategy is to build something complete from the ground up,
but they wanted something they could use in the near-term as a

- Also at this past IETF, I spent a couple of hours with the LACNIC
engineers doing some interoperability testing.  I just spent the last
week putting my code in a more useable state to further that work.



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