On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 11:12:25AM -0400, Drew Linsalata wrote:
> Apologies for a post of an operational nature, but is anyone else seeing 
> problems with AT&Ts 12/8 block?
> From a New York router connected to Global Crossing and Peer 1:
> border-1.nycmny> sh ip bgp 12.xxx.xxx.xxx
> BGP routing table entry for, version 86901457
> Paths: (2 available, best #1)
>   Not advertised to any peer
>   3549 12956 26210
> from (
>       Origin incomplete, metric 2602, localpref 100, valid, external, 
> best, ref 2
>       Community: 232589665 232618104
>   13768 12956 26210, (received-only)
> from (
>       Origin incomplete, localpref 100, external, ref 2
> Route views is showing a 12/8 with a fair amount of dampening/flap 
> penalties in the last 10-12 minutes.

Looks like 12956 is announcing some /8s to every peer and transit. Worse 
still, Sprint and GX are propagating it. This is not the first time that 
Telefonica has leaked a lot of garbage routes with serious network impact 
as a result (nor is it the second or third, actually). 

I'd say both GX and Sprint have a lot to answer for right about now.

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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