Getting back on-topic - how can this be? I thought only service providers
(with downstream customers) could get PI v6 space. Isn't this what policy
proposal 2005-1 is about? Can someone (from ARIN?) explain the current

- Daniel Golding

On 9/9/05 2:16 PM, "Steven J. Sobol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 9 Sep 2005, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:
>> I was thinking yesterday that IPv6 evangelization is a good reason,
>> specially when recalling that Google asked for a prefix some time ago
>> ( and something is probably
>> being baked there ?
> So is the idea that Google adopts IPv6 and then, seeing that a large,
> well-trafficked(sp?) website is actually using the technology, lots of
> service providers and smaller sites follow suit?
> How widespread *is* IPv6 adoption, anyhow?

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