On Sun, 11 Sep 2005, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:

> The last figure that I remember, very impressive, was in April 2004, when
> the estimated number of hosts using 6to4 on Windows hosts was calculated as
> 100.000.000 (extrapolated from measurements). This is not including hosts

that seems really, really high...

> We notice in our web servers (which are dual stack), incredible amounts of
> IPv6 traffic, increasing month by month.

'incredible' meaning what % of total traffic? (total page views or hits or
whatever your metric is...) Looking at mirrors.secsup.org which is v6
enabled I see:

   87361 12-access_log
      82 12-access-v6_log
   87443 total

so, for yesterday only 82 v6 connects (some of which were actually me...
so they don't really count) out of 87.5k... that's .1% ? that's not too
'incredible' but perhaps I'm in a bad sample place. (oh, this is ftp/http
not counting rsync)

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