On 11-sep-2005, at 20:59, Brandon Butterworth wrote:

So how do you know it's 4 million and not 4.1?

Could be 4.1 or even 4.2.

And therein lies the problem.

I'm assuming those working on 4byte ASs know, if it's more we'll have
to migrate again which would be silly so soon

I don't think the people working on 32-bit AS numbers are privvy to information that the rest of us isn't. But in any event, 32-bit AS numbers allow for 4 billion ASes, not 4 million.

We know that 125k works today

That's quite a bit less than current SUP720-3BXL

I haven't seen the specs for that one, so I don't know if it can hold 500k _prefixes_ or 500k _paths_. Big difference. Also, not everyone is going to buy new hardware immediately.

so the storage requirements should
sort themselves out according to Moore in 7 x 1.5 years, so that
would work in 2013. Processing scales non-linearly, though.

If we need it then it will exist, if not then we won't be able to do
that and will do something else instead

That's not good engineering. It's a very bad idea to start a course of action without knowing whether you can finish it. Although we don't have as much time as we used to have, we still have SOME time to come up with new stuff that will make multihoming in IPv6 scale.

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