On Mon, 26 Sep 2005, Vicky Rode wrote:

Just trying to get some clarity and direction regarding obtaining
address space/ASN for my client.

Is there a minimum address space (?) an entity would need to justify to
go directly to RIR (ARIN in this case) as opposed to the upstream
provider? Is /20 the minimum allocation? Can my client approach RIR and
request for a /23?

If you ask for a /23, at this point, ARIN will most likely tell them to get additional space from their upstream. If the organization is utilizing at least a /23's worth of space now and ready to multihome, they can request a /22 from ARIN. Their IPv4 allocation policies are documented here:


If my client do procure a /23 how do they make make sure that this
address space will be globally routable?

I would recommend they register a maintainer, AS and appropriate route objects in the RADB or one of the many IRR mirrors. Some carriers build their filters based off of IRR data. That's still not a guarantee of global routability, but keeping their records in good order is a good start.

Multihome will also be part of their network implementation, can they
apply for an ASN number?

They can apply if they're close to being ready (within 30 days) to multihome.

You (your client) needs to be able to announce at least one /24 to two or more upstream providers in order to meet ARIN's criteria for assignment of an ASN. ARIN's ASN criteria are documented here:



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