In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Vixie writes:

>it's enough for me that they're going to do it no matter what you (or i) say,
>and that they're doing it responsibly (without any namespace pollution).  if
>ORSN is afraid war is going to break out somewhere and that ICANN might delete
>the ccTLD's for countries that are part of the "axis of evil", then ORSN is
>probably just confused -- i don't think that's what would happen.  but as i've
>said, i'm indifferent to their reasons, since they only publish data that was
>at one time or another published by IANA.

Paul, if we ever get DNSSEC deployed, what will/should OSRN return for

        dig ns .

                --Steven M. Bellovin,

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